

Vakinhoudelijk & didactisch competent
(Competent in my subject and in educational techniques)

I think that, for this component, I'll have to look at the descriptors one at a time, since there are so many.
  • Ik  kan innovatieve onderwijsactiviteiten voorbereiden en uitvoeren waarin internationalisering centraal staat.  (I can prepare and carry out innovative educational activities in which internationalism has a central role.)
  • Ik kan evaluatiemiddelen ontwerpen en gebruiken om te bepalen of de internationale oriëntatie binnen mijn onderwijs effectief is geweest. (I can develop and use assessment tools to see if the international orientation within my teaching has been effective.)
I can say that I do all of these things, but proving some of them is difficult. I think that I often include an international dimension in my teaching, but not always consciously.  

Update 2011: I'm teaching a course in intercultural communication now at the NHL. If you look at the Blackboard site (in Dutch and only accessible to the NHL community), you'll see that this course includes a range of activities specifically designed to help future teachers be aware of and deal with cultural differences within their student population. I've been very active in planning this course along with a few of the other teachers involved.
  • Ik beheers de kennisbasis ICT van ADEF en pas die toe in mijn  onderwijs. (I have mastery of the ICT basic knowledge dimensions and apply them in my teaching.)
This refers to a document (in Dutch) that describes what a beginning teacher needs to be able to do with ICT. I think that if you look at the various links included in this blog, you'll see that I fulfill most of those descriptors.

Of course, there's much more to learn. Something I've been experimenting with quite recently is the use of prezi. I've been using PowerPoints, of course, to teach at workshops, at the International School Groningen, and at the NHL.  The problem with PowerPoints, though, is that they're linear. If your discussion leads you back to a topic or picture or video that appeared early in your presentation, you have to click back to it. The problem is that in today's world, people don't think in a linear way anymore. A mind-map would be a better image, or hyperlinks.

Prezi, unlike a PowerPoint, allows the presenter to present things in a linear way, but also to jump around as needed. It allows you to be more flexible. An added bonus, at the moment, is that it's more dynamic so that it keeps the audience focused better, although I suspect that effect won't last as more and more people start to use it.

Here is an example. It's the simplest one I've made, and the closest to a traditional PowerPoint. I'm using Prezi for my Theory of Knowledge classes right now, so those two prezis are not done; I add to them as I go along.

Update 2011: Here are a couple of prezis I put together recently for American Studies: Lesson 1 and Lesson 2.

  •  Ik ben in staat om schriftelijk  in het Engels te communiceren op B2 niveau. (I am able to communicate in written English at B2 level.)
 I think it's safe to say I have attained a higher level than required by this descriptor. I'm sure my English is at C2 level for writing (as well as all the other skills), and this blog (or my personal blog) should be evidence for that!
  • Ik kan binnen mijn onderwijs internationalisering een duurzame plaats geven. (I can give internationalism continuity within my teaching.)
  • Ik ben in staat om mijn eigen vakgebied een internationale dimensie te geven. (I am able to give my subject an international dimension.)
I think the comment I made for the first two parts above applies here too. I do these things unconsciously, and it would be hard to prove. Of course, if you consider the fact that I teach American Studies at NHL to 2nd and 3rd year student teachers, that may qualify in and of itself, since those courses are intrinsically intercultural. Just my presence as an American in the English department at a Dutch 'university' could be seen as intrinsically intercultural.