

Pedagogisch competent
(Competent in pedagogy)

In terms of this project, this means:

  • Ik zet via MySN events in die aansluiten bij de leef- en belevingswereld van 12-18 jarigen. (I create events on MySchoolsNetwork that connect with the lives and experiences of 12-18 year olds.)
  •  In mijn onderwijs spelen wereldburgerschap en respect voor andere culturen een terugkerende rol. (In my teaching, world citizenship and respect for other cultures is a recurrent theme.)

  This is the ICT area I need most to work on, I think. I think the lessons I teach at the International School Groningen -- Literature and Theory of Knowledge -- certainly fulfill the second descriptor, but it would be hard to show evidence.  In the literature class there's a world literature component: we've read, for example, Woman at Point Zero, by Nawal El Saadawi, Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being and Disgrace, by J.M. Coetzee. Such works do spark discussions of other cultures. In Theory of Knowledge, intercultural awareness is an intrinsic part of the curriculum. For example, in discussing ethics, i.e. how we can know what is right and what is wrong, comparing different cultures' perspectives is unavoidable, not to mention the fact that the students themselves come from many different cultures!

As I said in discussing the 1st component of the competencies, I'm not active on MySchoolsNetwork at the moment. I do think that this competency could be more broadly interpreted in terms of ICT, i.e. how we use ICT in teaching.

For example, now that we're in a nice new building with Activboards in all of the rooms, I need to learn how to use them effectively! I've used them in a very simple way, so far, just by writing on them, but past that I keep getting stuck. I've taken the introduction offered by the Learning Centre, and I'm waiting to take the next round of the next level course.